Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Adolescence and Adulthood

Adolescence can be defined as a transional stage that encompasses changes in the mental and physical domains of human development which occur between childhood and adulthood. This transition is composed of social, biological and psychological changes.The psychological or biological changes are believed to be the most easiest to detect and to measure objectively. Adolescence is also believed to be a very crucial stage of life where adolescents are confronted by very highly changing situations.They become moody and ever stressed by the enormous changes occurring in their lives. Majority of these changes are observed in their sexual behavior following the commencement of puberty (Huston, Ripke, 2006, p.16). Changes also do occur at large in their social behavior with adolescents taking more time to spend with their peers as opposed to their parent something that was common in the previous stage.It is a period of crucial decision making about their lives. It is a time they get to know wh ich courses they take, which subjects to pursue, and which university join.According to Erikson’s psychosocial theory, adolescence is a stage of emotional up evils which stems from emotionally disturbed adolescents. According to him adolescents typically under go a period of identity diffusion which encompasses strong feelings of uncernity.At this period, adolescents desire to achieve a sense of identity.That is a state of being, feeling at home in one’s body and a sense of understanding where one is heading to with inward assuredness anticipated with a lot of recognition from others who count in their lives. However, adolescents find it hard to accomplish all this because of the on going rapid social and biological changes which are equally disturbing in the process of drawing decisions about life (Kroger, 2006, p.43).In this context adolescents are said to be typically undergoing identity crisis a period of mental confusion about who they are or where they are headin g to. According to Erickson it is important for adolescents to undergo this stage for it enables them to resolve their identity issues allowing them move on towards forming stable adult identities. The uncertainties or diffusions experienced by adolescents occur in four different patterns.First is the intimacy stage where adolescents become afraid of giving their commitments to others in fear of losing identity. The second stage is the diffusion of time a period that is filled with disbelief   with the possibility that time may come with different changes and yet violent and fearful.The third stage is the diffusion of industry which basically involves an inability to concentrate towards one activity or rather an enormous energy directed towards one single activity (Craig, 1992, p.28). The final stage in is the negative identity which is characterized by a snobbish or a scornful hostility towards the duties offered as proper and desirable by ones family and community.According to E rikson, these changes take different roots in both boys and girls. Boys develop a sense of identity a bit earlier than girls. This difference is attributed to the fact that girls’ identity is dependent on their social status (Craig, 1992, p.69).Eventual casual examinations explain that adults vary enormously from adolescents in the kind of paths taken in life. Majority of these differences occur as a result of changes in the levels of motivation, interest and personalities of individual or rather because of unexpected or unwanted life events.However, most adults initiate more close life friends than adolescents, have jobs to attend to, have children to care for and this explains that they have more common themes to share in life. Therefore, adulthood is a composition of several life themes that help describe the common developmental milestones in adulthood.In this view, Erikson also identified four levels that cover the childhood stage and further divided life during adolesce nce and adulthood into four other stages with each stage carrying its own developmental crisis (Zanden, 1978, p.51).  According to him, each stage brings forth a negative or positive outcome. Those who experience negative outcomes find it hard to resolve conflicts occurring in succeeding stages. At adolescent, majority of individuals strive to overcome role confusion and fight for a sense of identity. At this point attention is focused on peers. At early adulthood most adults begin to commit themselves to intimacy and love relationships while others develops a sense of isolation with social focus being focused on establishing friendship.At middle adulthood, adults begin to take up responsibility by propagating their own generation to care for and they also extend their concerns to caring for others in society at large (Kroger, 2006, p.103). Their focus at this stage is based on productivity and social work. Those who don’t achieve this become self –centred or stagnat ed.Erikson refers these two extremities as stagnation versus generativity.Generativity in this context is used to refer to those with interest in establishing and guiding the next generation. This stage is later followed by a stage of self evaluation to gauge how successful one was. It begins with the onset of old age and focus is on humankind. ReferenceCraig, G (1992). Human Development. New York: Prentice HallHuston, A & Ripke, M (2006). Developmental Contexts in middle childhood: Bridges to Adolescence and adulthood. New York: Cambridge University PressKroger, J. (2006). Identity Development: Adolescence through Adulthood. New York: SABEZanden, J (1978) Human Development. London: Knopf

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Historical Themes Schindler’s List Essay

Light can still be found even in the darkest of times; Oskar Schindler shows this through his actions during the Holocaust. In the novel Oskar Schindler’s portrayed his motives and ways one man can help thousands of the struggling Polish Jews. What he did absolutely contradict what his country and leader wanted; they were planning to eradicate all Jews from the face of the Earth. By using his factory as a place for the helpless Jews to work, he avoided thousands from being sent to the concentration camps where they would work as slaves and eventually die. At first Schindler liked the idea of Polish workers but after he found out what Hitler’s true intentions were he quickly felt remorse for them and determined himself to save as many as humanly possible. He began employing more and more Jews, he saved thousands of lives but ruined his business in doing so. Schindler’s List by Thomas Keneally brilliantly portrayed the courage and human spirit in one man in the midst of terrible evil. Schindler proved the difference that one man can make by using his wit against the Nazis. Without the historical validity incorporated into the novel, the themes and overall story would not be up as great as it is already. Hitler’s Nazi regime ran a dictatorship with Adolf Hitler at the very head of the tyranny. Hitler’s master plan led to hopefully conquering the world and creates his version of society with perfect people and culture. Starting with the invasion of Poland he took Jews from their homes and forced them to do tedious work as slaves in concentration camps claiming that it was for their own protection. He tore families apart, and treated them with indignity in the camps by giving them very little food and forcing public nudity. Entire clans or families died at the order of the Nazis and no mercy could be seen from them as they killed the Jews in ways which would be seen as cruel and evil, even to humans. These events led to the deaths of six million Jewish citizens during World War II. Jews’ murders took place in many various ways; one way was in gas chambers disguised as showers. Corpses and left over residues burned in huge infernos that made it snow ashes of people. Human remains were also being used for the benefit of the Nazis; they used skin and lamp shades, hair as insulation, and skin also as a type of paper. Many Jewish families were desperate to not find themselves in the terrible camps that they did everything they could not to be captured and sent to their demise. Thomas Keneally describes the setting of Germany in the novel very accurately to the time period, and also the social status that some people had at the time. Germans lived being treated very normally by all soldiers of Hitler’s rule, but all others were treated as second class citizens or actually sub human. In the eyes of the Nazis Jews must be the lowest of the low to the, they were considered not as human but as some kind of sub species below all other humans. This aspect that was included in the novel is very true to history in Germany for 1943. Owning businesses or running one was against the law for any Jewish citizen. Many businesses burned down to the ground at the hand of the soldiers, ruining even wealthy land owners and workers. During World War II over six million Jews were killed by the Nazis and that is a fact included into the novel also. After the rest of European Jews heard about the genocide of Jews they and many others began hiding and helped hide people to avoid capture. People did everything to save themselves and others, some hid in the attics of Germans or in the barn of farmers. They started to become desperate to hide; Oskar Schindler used his very own factory where he produced pottery as a way to protect the Polish Jews. Oskar Schindler’s career led him to becoming a business man and entrepreneur in the pots and pans industry. His factory had become very successful because of the labor force provided by the Jews that were crowded into cities by the Nazis. In 1942 the Nazis really did begin to round up all the available Jews into ghettos or slums in the city to contain them like in the concentration camps. At the same time as Oskar Schindler a lady named Irena Sendler helped to save over two thousand Jewish children from the ghettos that the Nazis set up for them. . She and many others helped humanity by using their intellect, courage, and resources. If an event like this happened in any other time period it just would not be the same. Thomas Keneally’s Schindler’s List showed how one person can make a giant difference for many people. His novel’s historical aspects were accurate in most ways, it helped to enforce the themes in the story of the human spirit and one man can make a change. Throughout history it has been proven that if one person does one change it can help thousands of peoples’ lives forever. Adolf Hitler and his attempt to eradicate the Jewish population is the darkest time in history of humanity. But still, light can be found in the midst of total darkness and evil.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Women Rights in Islam

Women rights in Islam Outline Introduction Background Equal rights of men and women in Islam Social rights .right to get education .right to accept or reject marriage proposal .right to get divers .right to secrecy .right to just treatment in case of polygamy .right to entertain and dine out .right to demand separate house .right to deny doing all the chores of home .right to dress Economic rights .right to Inheritance .right to ownership .right to dowry .right to maintenance (Iddah, child upbringing) .right to seek employment .right to do business Legal and political rights right to be equal before law .right to witness .right to vote .right to work on legal and political positions Conclusion Women rights in Islam Holy prophet (S. A. W) said, â€Å"Among you the most respectable is the one who respects women and the most disrespectable is the one who disrespect the women. † The above instruction of holy prophet (S. A. W) declared the ground of honor and respect for a person i n Deen-e-Islam . Islam gave women an honorable life and ignite the light of rights in her life. Before Islam women were extremely deteriorated by the society.Arabs used to bury their daughters alive, wives were harshly beaten, step mother became legacy of eldest son and the sisters were given as a compensation for any sin of her family. Islam abolished all these dark practices and made the paradise under the feet of mother, guaranteed paradise to a father who brought up her daughters with love, assured paradise to the husband who care her wife and made sisters partners in the inheritance. Today Muslim woman is facing problems not because of lack of her rights in Islam but due to the male driven and illiterate society.Islam promised women respect, honor and safety before and more than any other religion, civilization and moderation. Islam gave women all rights to women before 15 centuries which any one can expect in today’s highly modern world. The sad pages of history only pr esent crying voices and tears of women that break the heart the reader. All the big civilization of their time including Hubsha, Byzantine, Room, Greece, Egypt, China, Hindustan and Arabian Penusiuala ruined the women under the feet of brutality.Those who are claiming themselves the leaders and providers of women rights in today’s world were in fact the real usurper of women rights from centuries. Women In these civilizations struggled so hard and fight for her rights centuries and centuries even than their male dominant leadership never gave them rights until they need them. After the two world wars when men strength became insufficient in forces and in the other fields of life then they brought women out of house and used her for their different purposes on the name of women rights.Let’s have a look on the dates of rights givers as a prove US in 1920,British in 1918,France in 1944,Norway in 1907,Sweden in 1921,Belgium in 1919,Japan in 1945,Netherland in 1919 and so o n. Whereas Islam gave all social, economical, political and legal rights to the women long before fifteen (15) centuries. Everyone knows Islam claim that it is a complete code of life. Therefore Islam is not only complete code of life for men it is also complete code of life for women. It gives equal rights to men and women. It is very important for everyone that there is big difference of meaning between the words â€Å"equal† and â€Å"same†.As women and man cannot same physically so there rights can also not same due to their duties but they have equal rights on or the other way. This equal terminology can also be explain by taking a very simple example. There are two students in class one called Saeed scored 4 in economics,3 in political studies and 3 in social studies and another called Sadia scored 2 in economics, 4 in political studies and 4 in social studies. Saeed got (4+3+3)=10 and Sadia got (2+4+4)=10,that shows both Saeed and Sadia scored equal marks that i s total 10 but they score different marks in different areas.It illustrates the real meanings of equal and its similar to the meaning of equal rights of men and women in Islam. If father has more rights and responsibilities economically than women then mother has more rights and responsibilities that balance their rights in all circumstances. For further classifications of women rights in Islam, let’s discuss them under different heads such as social, economic, legal and political. Starting from the social, holy prophet (S A W) said â€Å"Education is mandatory for men and women. † The above hadith does not discriminating gender that means it is not only mandatory for men but also for women.Therefore no body restricts her from getting education. Its her right to get same education as her brother gets. Holy prophet (S A W) said â€Å"You have to get education even its available in China. † Again there is no discrimination of gender in above hadith. If a boy can g et education by traveling long distance then girl can also. She has right to go to school and mosque. If women had right to go to mosque for getting education and offer prayers during the period of holy prophet (S A W) and Caliphate than why not she has this right in today’s modern world. Hazat Ayasha(R.A) was the teacher of 8000 companions and she was expert of history, medicine, hadith, literature and law. Once a lady came to Holy prophet (S A W) and said that she was forcefully married   by her father and she is not happy with her husband, the Holy prophet (S A W)   dissolved her marriage then and there and emphasizes for marrying couples by their consent. Above hadith validating the consent of females before marriage and made it compulsory for all Muslim parents. She can also demand to see the person before her marriage and she can also talk to him in the presence of her legal blood relative.Once hazrat Aysha (R. A) showed desire to see the ongoing circus in the stree t. Holy prophet (S A W) happily replied to her that she can hide herself at the back of holy prophet (S. A. W) and then watch the circus. Aysha(R. A) did this and enjoyed the circus as long as she can stand there when became tired she went back to home. The Holy prophets (S A W) stand there more than an hour for her entertainment. This hadith is highlighting very kind treatment of Holy prophet (S A W) to his wife. It also emphasizes the right of entertainment to women.Some people having wrong perception that Islam binds women in the walls of house and she has no right to come out for any purpose. In fact this is opposite of Islamic teachings. It is also her right that she should be treated with love by her husband. Al-Quran â€Å"You and your wives are dresses of each other. † Therefore it is women right that she should be entertained by her husband. Once Holy prophet (S A W) said to one of his companion â€Å"Why not you get marry so that you can play with your wife and she can play with you. †It is making clear that it’s not matter of disrespect or against the sobriety of men or matter of hummer if he entertains his wife. Dinning out or going out for outing with wife is also encouraged in Islam. It is also women right that she should be taken out by her husband for outing or for dinning. Once an Iranian companion of Holy prophet (S A W) who was a very good cook cooked some food and came to Holy prophet (S A W) house for inviting him. Holy prophet (S A W) asked â€Å"can Aysha (R. A) also come with me. † Because of any reason companion replied† no she can’t. † Holy prophet (S A W) also replied â€Å"then I also cannot†.Companion invited Holy prophet (S A W) three times and got same answer from the Holy prophet (S A W) . At last companion said â€Å"yes she can also come with you† then Holy prophet (S A W) accepted invitation and brought her for dinner along him. Therefore bringing wife to dine out i s not only encouraged but also SUNNA of Holy prophet (S A W). In addition, to demand separate house for living is also right of wife from his husband. If she does not like to live with the family of her husband then she has complete right to live with her husband in a separate place. Many cruel of our male driven society are considering this right against their ago.So often instead of fulfilling this true right of wife they give diverse or beat their wives for forcefully living with their family like a servant which is completely against Islamic teachings. Furthermore, Islam is not binding women to cook food to do crockery or to wash clothes of her husband. If she refuses to do all this then its not making her guilty in the eyes of almighty ALLAH. But yes, she might be very guilty in the eyes of her husband who brings her for doing all these services for him. Many of Muslim women love to do all these services for their husbands, so their husbands must be thankful for their wives.Sub sequently, human being is used to make mistakes. So if there is any conflict arises between husband and wife then husband needs to resolve it first only by consulting her wife. In case matter could not solved by both of them then they need to bring any other family member for consultation. Secrecy is also immensely important for the matrimonial relation of couple. It is duty of husband to keep all secrets of bed relation with her wife. Holy prophet (S A W) said, â€Å"The person who shared his wife bed relations with anybody, he is the worst man and he cannot get even the smell of paradise. Similarly, when conflict between husband and wife became bone of contentions and seems unsolvable. In this case if wife no more wants to live with her husband then she has right to get diverse. In case husband is not willing to give diverse she can consult court for getting diverse. Further, in case of polygamy Islam teaches full justice, equal and fair treatment to all waives. Practically this is very hard for a men to keep completely fair balance between all wives therefore it is highly recommended if he is not strong enough financially, physically and morally then he should not gets married even with a single woman.If anyone has more than on wife and he could not maintained just and fair treatment among all wives then he is severely treated by almighty Allah at the Day of Judgment. Adding to it, growing age of fashion makes many minds ultra modern. Now husband wants to look his wife as a model and he forced her to wear dresses according to fashion. In this case Muslim women has right to wear all these dresses which are according to Islamic dress code while going out of house. If her husband forced her to do so she can refuse to her husband to wear any vulgar dress which is against the teachings of Islam.Allah almighty knows all strength and weaknesses of his creatures. He made women physically very sensitive and weak than man. Therefore he shifted all the financial burd en of women on men’s shoulder. When she is daughter she is duty of her father. If father died she becomes duty of her brother. When she is wife she is duty of her husband and when she is mother she is duty of her son. In this way she can live her life very comfortably and can take care of house easily. God assigned all the financial requirements of women as a duty of men but even then he does not make women empty hand in economical rights.Before Islam there was no concept of inheritance for women. Islam gave right to women in the inheritance. Women have half of the part as men have in parent’s properties. This does not mean she has half right than man. But as it is mentioned above she does not have any financial responsibility to fulfill as the men have. Therefore she can save or invest her part of the property for her future and making profit. It is also very clear in Islam that her husband can demand a single penny from her wife and she not bound to give anything to anybody. In addition to she can buy property on her own name as a legal person.She can possess property without anybody’s interference. She has complete right on her property as she can sale it, rent out it and can give it to anyone as a gift. Furthermore, wife has right to get dowry from her husband before establishing matrimonial relations. Husband is bound to give her wife dowry at the time of marriage. When Allah almighty created Eve (R. A) for Adam (R. A) . Adam (R. A) was attracted towards Eve (R. A) and wanted to touch her. At that time Allah almighty said to Adam (R. A) that He should not touch her without paying her dowry. One more thing needs attention here that Islam did not fix any maximum limit of dowry.Husband can give whatever maximum he can give to his wife. In region of Hazrat Ummer(R. A) he forward a bill in the parliament for fixing the maximum limit of dowry. That bill was challenged by a female parliamentarian and she said nobody can fix the maximum limit of dowry if Allah himself did fix it. Hazrat ummer(R. A) asked her that why it couldn’t be fixed. She quoted the holy Quran â€Å"If husband gave her wife bundles and bundles of wealth as dowry even then he cannot demand anything after diverse. † Hazrat ummer (R. A) said that she is right and today men made a mistake and women corrected him.Subsequently, maintenance is also on the shoulder of men at her stages of life. Father, brother, husband and son has to give her food clothes and other needs of life respectively. Holy prophet (S A W) said, â€Å"Anyone who brought her daughters with full care and then merry them. He is as close to me as my two fingers. † Maintenance of x-wife is also husband responsibility during the period of Iddah. Some of Islamic scholars agreed that husband has to fulfill his x-wife’s maintenance until her second marriage. In case if any childe from her x-husband then it is also responsibility of child’s father.Moreover, s he has right to seek employment. If she wants to do a job and if society needs her then Islam give her full right to seek employment. But if she doesn’t want to do the job then nobody can force her to seek employment. Similarly she has the right to do business and to trade things in order to earn finance. Hazrat Khadija(R. A), Wife of Holy prophet (S A W) said, was the famous business lady at that time. Apart from social and economic securities in Islam, women have also legal and political securities. In the eyes of law she is as legal person as a man. she can be witness but her witness is half of man.It is not because she has half right as an human but due to her sensitive and shy nature. In fact God made her half responsible than man in all legal witnesses. Similarly she has right to vote from first election of Islam. After the election result of hazrat usman(R. A). Hazrat usman(R. A) and hazrat Ali (R. A) got equal votes. Therefore Hazrat abur Rahman bin Auf was appointed as a chief polling agent and assigned the task to get votes of men and women. He did this work three days and ultimately hazrat usman (R. A) elected. Above event proved that women were having the right to vote from the beginning of Islam.Adding to it, women used to work at different legal positions from the start of Islam. During the period of Holy prophet (S A W) women worked in different sectors such as in wars and in hospital. Hazrat Ummer (R. A) appointed hazrat Shifa(R. A)as an administrator and account officer for the market. Hazrat Usman(R. A) made hazrat umm-e-kulsoom an ambassador and sent her to Room. Women has right to be consulted as other family members have right to be consulted. Many people believe that it is folly to act or listen women advise in fact they themselves are disbelievers and unaware to the sunna of Holy prophet (S A W).At the event of Hudabiya Holy prophet (S A W) have consulted hazrat umm-e-Salma and acted on her advice to move on. By summing up the who le discussing it can be said that Islam is the first sun that embrace women with light of all social, economical, legal and political rights before 15 centuries. It is very unjust if anybody is blaming Islam for the present state of suppresses women. In fact it is not Islam to be blamed it is because of forgetting the teachings of Islam. In khutaba hijtul Weda, the Holy prophet (S A W) said, â€Å"O, people fear from Allah in the matter of women, treats them carefully and fairly as Islam teaches you. †

Semantic Clues assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Semantic Clues assignment - Essay Example (1) Determine if the word is defined in the sentence; e.g., an oncologist is a doctor that treats cancer. (2) Discover whether the unknown word is placed in contrast or opposition with a known word using signals like but, however, yet or in contrast; e.g., we are either right- or left-handed, but Rita is ambidextrous. (3) Refer to your background knowledge to guess the meaning of a word; e.g., John has been a teetotaler since his drunken driving accident. (4) Put together some of the main points or attributes associated with a word; e.g., her quick, nervous, and angry greeting signaled her petulance. (5) Look for examples, as when the unknown word indicates a general category and the sentence includes words that would fit under that category (usually works with nouns); e.g., Childhood maladies such as mumps, chicken pox, and measles can be treated easily. 4. (a) Why did Andrew suspect his sister (b) Who were the players in the baseball cards that Andrew was missing (c) Why did Andrew's father lack concern for the missing cards (d) How did Andrew show that he was upset 5. Children respond to print through environmental experiences and shared reading of quality texts. By modeling specific phonetic skills, sounding out some words as they are written without explicit teaching of letter-sound relationships, teachers can develop phonemic awareness in children.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Stem Cell Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Stem Cell - Research Paper Example The stem cells have been used in the medical fields to rectify conditions, and its application in treating Epydermylosis Bullosa is a good example. Successful gene therapies and treatments in the management of the condition were realized in 2010 and 2013. The stem cells were also used earlier and by 2009, bone marrow transplants were used to remedy conditions. Research is also being furthered to establish whether the stem cells can be used in the treatment of leukemia, brain injuries, and cancer among others. Stem cells provide a positive prognosis if well applied and intensive research done before the use. For instance, advice is given that one should select a sustainable and appropriate stem cell for any therapy and treatment. Though there are fears that stem cells cause cancer if the build up and differentiation is too much, there is no doubt that stem cells promise a better future in therapy and treatment of illnesses and malfunctions. The human body is made up of millions of cel ls that perform many specialized functions. The cell has been defined as the basic unit of life, which translates to showing the paramount importance of the cells in our bodies. These cells are differentiated and they carry out specialized functions, perfect examples being the blood cells and the liver cells (Dittmar and Zanker, 2009). In the body, there is also another type of cells which are referred to as stem cells. Stem cells are cells with the ability to differentiate and develop into other specialized types of cells. They can be termed as the raw materials for the body due to their importance and unique aspect of replicating cells. These stem cells are distinguished from the rest by three very special and unique characteristics. First, these cells are unspecialized and undifferentiated, as opposed to the other body cells that are highly specialized and differentiated. This means that they can reproduce cells that can perform any function, from the heart cells, blood cells, li ver cells among others. The fact that they are undifferentiated means that they do not have a defined or particular line of role that they become. They usually become any cell type once they differentiate (Lanza and Atala, 2013). The second characteristic is that stem cells can be induced to produce and become cells with special functions, this being the main reason why they are used in the laboratory for experiments. The last unique characteristic is that whereas the other cells in the body differentiate to replicate themselves, the stem cells do not differentiate to reproduce themselves. Instead, they produce daughter cells which can either become stem cells yet again or become specialized and differentiated cells. These stem cells do not have such a limited life span as compared to the other cells. The stem cells are also very important since they help in renewing, repairing and replacing all dead and worn out tissues and cells in the body (Eapen and Nandini, 2011). Types of stem cells There is no single form of classifying then types of stem cells that has been conventionally agreed on, but one of the most known and classification of types is based on their potency. This results to having five types of stem cells (Lanza and Atala, 2013). The totipotent stem cell type is the first type. These are stem cells that are formed

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The genre of dystopian novel from We by Zamyatin to 1984 by Orwell Research Paper

The genre of dystopian novel from We by Zamyatin to 1984 by Orwell - Research Paper Example Therefore, Clute and Nicholl (p.361) defines dystopia as a fictional society or community, which is in some crucial way frightening or undesirable. Dystopias are most of the time characterized by dehumanization, environmental disasters, autocratic governments, and other traits associated with a catalystic decline in the society. We by Zamyatin and 1984 by Orwell can be categorized as dystopian stories because they are characterized with the following: backstory, hero, conflict, and climax. First, since back story is part of the fictional world, a back story is necessary of how this world came to be or how it evolved from our current world. Secondly, the hero/protagonist intuitively feels something is wrong within the society and sets out to alter it, such as D-503 in Zamyatin’s We and Winston Smith in George Orwell’s 1984 .Next, in the conflict, the protagonists meets and is sometimes assisted by a group of individuals who are also attempting to escape or destroy the dy stopia. Lastly, in the climax of dystopian literature like We by Zamyatin and 1984 by Orwell, the dystopia is often not brought down, thus the stories remain unresolved. The elements of dystopias differ from political, environmental and social issues. The dystopian societies as the one depicted in We by Zamyatin and 1984 by Orwell culminated in a wide series of sub-genres of fiction and were utilized to raise awareness of the real world issues in relation to environment, religion, society, politics, economics, technology, and psychology, if left unaddressed, led to a dystopia-like condition in the future. Currently, dystopias have taken the form of a multitude of speculations, for example, poverty, pollution, political repression, and societal collapse. We is a classic dystopian novel that was set in the 26th century. Its message of hope and warning is as timely as the end of the 20th century as it was in the beginning (Parrinder, p.18). Yevgeny Zamyatin was a marine engineer and a Russian writer wrote this novel in 1919-1921. The novel was written as a consequence of author’s personal experiences during his life in the Newcastle suburb of Jesmond, the Russian revolution of 1905, and 1917, as well as the during his work in the Tyne shipyards during the First World War (Thomas, 314). This book by Zamyatin is one which ended up influencing other dystopian authors such George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. Orwell’s 1948 is a futuristic piece of work that the novelist chose to turn inside out the last two numbers of the year he had authored it, 1948 into 1984 to depict issues that would be solved by that time. Zamyatin is hailed as the grandfather of satirical futuristic dystopia genre. He goes ahead and takes the totalitarian and confirmative concepts of modern industrial society to a very extreme conclusion, portraying a state that trusts in free will which is the source of unhappiness, and that the lives of the general public is controlled with the mat hematical precision founded on the system of industrial efficiency which was formulated by Fredrick Taylor (Clute and Nicholl, 85). An examination of myths and symbols show that Zamyatin’s work is easily comprehended as an internal drama of a conflicted modern man as compared to the external drama reality in a failed utopia. Furthermore, the city is laid out as a mandala which had many archeotypes and was subject to an archetypical conflict. The utilization of color and other forms of imagery depicts that Zamyatin advocated for the same subjectivist as had Kandinsky as well as other European Expressionist painters. Zamyatin’s We novel is considered to be the first dystopian novel, since it was influential in the formation of genre and important in any study of literature. Dystopian stories

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Natural Law of Human Nature and the Development of a Moral Research Paper

The Natural Law of Human Nature and the Development of a Moral Character - Research Paper Example For a speaker to share their thoughts clearly they must have a good command of the language. The correct language to use differs depending on the thought, the listeners, and the surrounding. Choosing words correctly is an important aspect of language, and it helps convert thoughts into an understandable message. Therefore, language and thoughts are closely related and highly integrated for there to meaningful communication. Critical thinking refers to a careful exploration of the thinking process to create a better understanding and induce intelligent decision-making (Chaffee 51). For one to be a critical thinker there must have certain qualities such as insightfulness, creativity, passion, open-mindedness and high mental activity. Critical thinking is influenced by various surrounding and personal aspects of a person. The experiences that one has gone through can make them a better critical thinker or can destroy their ability to think critically. Similarly, the emotions of a person have the capacity to influence their ability to think critically. A child that has grown through traumatizing experiences cannot be compared to a child who has never been traumatized in their life when both of them are exposed to traumatic experiences. A child used to traumatic situations will be able to reason out well when such a situation arises. Therefore, personal history is highly influential to one’s ability to think critically. Personal history can influence critical thinking positively and negatively. A child who has previously failed in exams after studying hard may have the wrong perception about working hard.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ational Geographic photographers videos and responses Assignment

Ational Geographic photographers videos and responses - Assignment Example He has a specially improved camera Obscura helping him to reveal iconic landscapes from the unique perspective. He says his pictures are dreamlike and surreal, but are products of camera in recording, which is like a dream in the physical wake (National Geographic 1). He uses photography to reflect the influence of global warming. His time-lapse cameras have captured evidence of reducing glaciers and changing snow patterns across the world. He maintains that camera gives a language to communicate to the world because the pictorial language can penetrate people’s hearts and minds. He insists that the photographer’s highest calling is to challenge and alter the inherited wisdom (National Geographic 1). Professor Kashi describes the highs and the lows of the working as a photojournalist. During the interview, Kashi shares his beliefs that a photographer’s great work comes from the issues he or she genuinely cares. He maintains that a photojournalist has to examine the world and himself because of the challenges and risks involved to accomplish the mission (National Geographic 1). He gained access to North Korea where he stresses on seeing life from you because of the different passions possessed by various people. In his viewpoint, the lives of the photographers are not normal life. He expresses interest in the photos of people taking the bus, couple crying at the Pyongyang airport and kids throwing snowballs at each other (National Geographic 1). Brian Skerry has been diving with the camera for over 30 years capturing the unseen world below the water’s surface. The passion of protecting the planet for the future motivated his underwater photography. He says that photography is a discovery process as he spends time with different kinds of sea creatures underwater from the biggest to smallest (National Geographic 1). He photographed human rights abuses and conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He captured the lives of citizens in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Becoming who we are Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Becoming who we are - Essay Example For instance, my mother constantly updates the photos of herself in face-book platforms, so that her friends and peers may comment on them. This has an impact of shaping her identity and values, specifically because the comments normally determine the manner in which people are able to view her. For instance, I remember that one time, she was able to post a photo on her face-book platform, and she had put on some weights. This was able to attract a lot of comments from her friends, who suggested to her on the various methods that can be used for purposes of cutting on her weight. This was one of the values that was being decimated ton her, that weight increase is not desirable. Telephones, specifically smart phones and mobile telephones play a role in shaping our values and attitudes. As a young person, I am interested in the sending of short messages, to my friends, as a mode of communication. We normally communicate on a variety of issues, ranging from sports, relationships, and po litics. This has an impact of shaping my values and attitudes, mostly because I am able to know on the values and perceptions of others regarding a topic, and reflect on it, if, they are able to reconcile with my values and perceptions. This is because every human being has some elements of beliefs and values (Steinem, 3). The personality of an individual can also be influenced through the methods used in communication. For example, mobile phone texting enables younger people to chat with each other, and these results to the passage of some information that may not be conducive. This would in turn lead to changes in the personalities of an individual, mainly because of the kind of information passed, during the process of chatting. Explanation 2: Because of the emergence of the new methods of communication, many people have replaced the traditional methods of communication with these new forms of communication. This has made it difficult for an

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Presentation and written submission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Presentation and written submission - Essay Example The global crisis was developed mainly due to the bursting of the US housing bubble, which stemmed from adverse selection of mortgages and resulted US mortgage crisis. Evidently, the global financial crisis slowed down economic activities and this situation in turn impeded the economic growth of nations around the globe. More precisely, the 2008 financial crisis has led to a dramatic increase in uncertainty in financial markets. Specifically, the resulting inability of lenders to solve the adverse selection problem makes them less willing to lend, which leads to a decline in lending, investment and aggregate economic activity. This paper will evaluate the financial market uncertainty identified by giving some real life examples. Financial market uncertainty Thoughtless provision of mortgage loans and increased speculation in the housing market significantly contributed to a series of bank collapses in the United States. The failure of credit rating agencies in properly identifying th e risk elements associated with complex securities and subsequent housing bubble also contributed to the global financial crisis. Most of the studies conducted to identify the real causes of the 2008 financial crisis reported that adverse selection in mortgages led to housing bubble and bank failures. Therefore, today banks and other financial institutions across the globe are extremely bothered about the possibility of defaults in loan repayments; and hence they are hardly willing to lend even to potential clients. Naturally, this situation leads to a decline in lending and investment. The decelerated financial transactions adversely affect circulation of money which in turn reduce economic growth rate. Decline in lending In response to this uncertain economic condition, UK banks significantly reduced lending over the last few years. As Tortman (2011) reported in the Telegraph dated Feb 28, in 2011, UK’s four leading banks limited their commercial real estate property lendin g by a combined total of ?17.2 billion. Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group, Europe’s two largest commercial property lenders, trimmed their loans by a combined ?14.5 billion (ibid). As per the same report, HSBC and Barclays cut lending by a combined ?2.7 billion. These figures indicate that how UK lenders deal with property lending after the global credit crisis. According to Phil Clark, co-author of the Property Industry Alliance’s report, UK banks have been very vigilant in mitigating their loan exposure to real estate (as cited in Trotman, 2011). He added that annual real estate lending in UK would drop to ?100bn over the next few years (ibid). As Milliken (2013) reported in Reuters dated March 4, in order to boost bank lending and thereby to promote economic growth of the UK, the Bank of England and the finance ministry launched the flagship plan (Funding for Lending Scheme) June 2012. This plan was intended to offer cheap funds to banks if they booste d lending to medium sized businesses and home buyers. However, some recent reports indicate that although banks and other lending institutions have utilised almost ?14bn of the central bank funds offered, net lending indicates a reverse trend (ibid). The report says that Vince Cable, the UK Secretary of State for Business, admitted that the result was ‘very disappointing’. Financial releases indicate that borrowers repaid nearly

Case Study Australia's Airline Industry Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Australia's Airline Industry - Case Study Example This enabled virgin Blue to grow rapidly and became the second largest domestic airline carrier in Australia. Air New Zealand on the other than, is a flag carrier and one of the national airline companies located in Auckland, New Zealand; This airline operates a number of scheduled flights to 24 international and 26 domestic destinations in 15 countries across Europe, Oceanic, Asia and America. It is a member of the star global Alliance having joined in the year 1999. It was originally known as Tasman Empire Airways Limited; where the government of Australia was in ownership by the year 1965. Latter the name changed to Air New Zealand as it is called today. It operates along haul fleet consisting of Boeing 747,767,777 as well as Airbus A320 aircraft on international routes. Qantas airline is one of the Australian airlines based in Sydney Australia. This airline is the oldest continuously operating airline in the whole world. Currently the airline is considered to be a four star airli ne. 2) Summary of current political, social, legal, economical and environmental issues influencing the company Political/ Legal The legal/political segment is an arena were the interest groups and the organizations compete for resources, attention and voice of overseeing the law and regulations guiding the various interactions among nations, This represents how organization try very hard to influence the government and how the governments control them. For instance Blue Virgin is concerned about all the government regulations that affect the business as a whole. This helps the company to effectively achieve its goals considerably since political and legal environment are business friendly to the company (Lowe 2008, P. 126) Social Social-culture is concerned with the society cultural value and attitude. Since attitude and values forms the main cornerstone of the society, then they often drive economical, political/legal, technological and demographical changes and conditions. This m arket segment has a direct effect on the overall performance of the company as it relate passenger who use the companies services from different cultural back grounds with varying attitudes (Robinson 1997, P. 31).. Economical Economical environment refers to the direction and nature of the economy in which a company competes. A firm must forecast, scan, monitor and assess the health of its economy so as to have a higher advantage over competitors in the same economy. As for the case of Blue Virgin it is important to analyze the economy before coming up with any decision that would help it to achieve its goals in such a competitive environment. Technological This includes activities and institutions involved with translating and creating knowledge of new services and various brands in the market. The benefits of these efforts suggest the findings by early adopters of new technology to help in achieving a greater market share as well as high returns. For instance Blue Virgin do verify that the it is continuously scanning the external environment in order to identify the potential substitutes for technologies that are being used and also acquiring new technology which gives it a very high competitive advantage over its competitors (Lowe 2008, P. 126). Environmental The general environment of Virgin group t is composed of dimension in the broader society which influences the company as a whole (Park 2001 P. 134.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Select Three of the Big Five Personality Traits Essay Example for Free

Select Three of the Big Five Personality Traits Essay Out of the Big Five personality traits, I believe the two that best suit my personality would be agreeableness, and extraversion. Extraversion, according to the text, is a trait includes characteristics such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of emotional expressiveness. I do not believe that this one fits me to a â€Å"T,† but I can be very excitable, and I tend to express myself with my emotions which at times, may not always be the best course of action. I am also not very assertive unless it comes to protecting the people I love. When it comes to agreeableness, this personality dimension includes attributes such as trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other prosocial behaviors. I think this personality trait is the one that best defines me. I am extremely affectionate, and kind to others, sometimes to the point of being too kind. I would have to say I am at the extreme point on this trait, especially when it comes to the altruism aspects of the personality. Everyday life is filled with small acts of altruism, from the guy at the grocery store who kindly holds the door open as you rush in from the parking lot to the woman who gives twenty dollars to a homeless man. I would have to say that I have a â€Å"soft spot† for others’ feelings and try to be very considerate of others. So, agreeableness would have to be the personality trait I think fits me overall.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blood Donation Safety Procedures: An Overview

Blood Donation Safety Procedures: An Overview Qualification of blood donors has become a lengthy and detailed process, a donor inquisition some would say. Yet blood collection depends on this system of safeguards to protect the donor from injury and the recipient from the risks of allogeneic blood. Sensitive screening tests have been considered the cornerstone of blood safety for more than three decades. However, testing represents only one component of this system. Additional layers of safety include following measures:- Detailed donor education programmes prior to recruitment, Pre-donation informational literature, Stringent donor screening selection and deferral procedures, Post-donation product quarantine Donor tracing and notification when instances of disease transmission are detected. Each element plays a role in preventing tainted units from entering the blood inventory. Most transfusion services have developed evidence-based standards and regulations for the selection of donors and quality systems to assure excellence in all phases of their application. Other standards derive from expert opinion and common sense, and these policies need to be revisited as scientific information becomes available. Blood donors should have the following general qualifications:- They should have reached the age of consent, most often 18 years, but 17 in some countries such as the USA and the UK; They should be in good health, They should have no history of serious illness, Must weigh enough to allow safe donation of a unit and not recognize themselves as being at risk of transmitting infection. Ideally, donation should be strictly voluntary and without financial incentive. Some blood services impose an arbitrary upper limit on age, commonly 65 years, or up to age 70 in Denmark and the UK; however, it seems curiously subjective to exclude donors on the basis of age alone if they are otherwise in good health. The Blood Collection Service should provide informational literature for prospective blood donors. After information and counselling about criteria for donor selection, donors should consent in writing to the terms of donation, including the use of the donated  blood, the extent of testing, the use of testing results (including donor notification of positive results) and the future use of any stored specimens. Donors should be told about the possibility of delayed fainting and about other significant risks of the donation procedure. Blood donation has potential medicolegal consequences. If a donor becomes ill shortly after giving blood, the illness may be attributed to blood donation For this reason, among others, it is important to ensure that donors have no history of medical conditions such as brittle diabetes, hypertension, poorly controlled epilepsy and unstable cardiopulmonary disease that might be associated with an adverse event following phlebotomy. Pregnancy might be adversely affected by the donation process and ordinarily excludes a donor. Donors who become ill within 2 weeks of donation should be encouraged to inform the transfusion service, which may wish to discard the donated blood, recall any plasma sent for fractionation or follow up recipients of the blood components as appropriate. Donors who develop hepatitis or HIV infection within 3-6 months of donation should also i nform the Blood Collection Service. Donor interview The donor interview should be conducted by staff trained and qualified to administer questions and evaluate responses. The donor interview should be conducted in a setting sufficiently unhurried and private as to permit discussion of confidential information. With current practices in the USA, approximately 2% of volunteer donors still disclose risks that would have led to deferral at the time of donation. Introduction of standardized and validated questionnaires and the application of interactive computer-assisted audiovisual health history may reduce errors and misinterpretations during conduct of the donor interview. Physical examination Blood collectors perform a limited physical examination designed to protect donor and recipient. Screeners routinely assess the donors general appearance and defer those who do not appear well or are under the influence of alcohol. A normal range of pulse and blood pressure is defined, although variances may be granted for healthy athletes. Body weight and temperature are measured by some collection services. Both arms are examined for evidence of illicit drug use and for lesions at the venepuncture site. Volume of donation The volume of anticoagulant solutions in collection bags is calculated to allow for collection of a particular volume of blood, which, in the UK, is 450  ± 45 ml. In the USA often 500 ml, but in no case more than 10.5 ml/kg including the additional volume of 20-30 ml of blood collected into pilot tubes. From donors weighing 41-50 kg, only 250 ml of blood is collected into bags in which the volume of anticoagulant solution has been appropriately reduced. In some countries, the volume collected routinely is less than 450 ml, for example 350-400 ml in Turkey, Greece and Italy, and 250 ml in some Asian countries such as Japan, where donors tend to be smaller. Record-keeping It should be possible to trace the origin of every blood donation and records should be kept for several years, depending on the guidelines for each country. In many countries, a system employing unique bar-coded eyereadable donation numbers is now in use. This system makes it possible to link each donation to its integral containers and sample tubes and to the particular donor session record. Information concerning previous donations, such as records of blood groups and microbiology screening tests, antibodies detected, donor deferrals and adverse reactions are important for subsequent attendances. Electronic storage of donor information greatly facilitates accurate identification, release, distribution and traceability of units of blood and blood products. An international code, ISBT 128, is intended to be used by all countries for the accurate identification of donors and donations. These records must be protected from accidental destruction, modification or unauthorized access. Frequency of donors in the population Although in many Western countries, some 60% of the population are healthy adults aged 18-65 years and thus qualified to be blood donors, the highest annual frequency of donation in the world corresponds to about 10% of the population eligible to give blood donating once per year, as in Switzerland. The frequency in most developing countries is less than 1% . The number of units collected per 1000 US inhabitants of usual donor age (18-65) was 88.0 in 2001, up from 80.8 in 1999. Although this number compares favourably with the rate of 72.2 per 1000 in 1997, it pales in comparison with the 100 units per 1000 population collected in Switzerland. As treacherous as it may be to interpret these figures, the numbers suggest that US collecting facilities are progressively improving efficiency. Data from the American National Red Cross indicate that the average volunteer donates about 1.7 times a year. Losses from outdated red cells accounted for 5.3% of the supply but, given the fact that r ed cells can be transfused only to compatible recipients, the number of usable units outdated appears to be extremely small. More than 99% of group O units and 97% of group A units were transfused. The shrinking donor pool: the safety vs. availability conundrum Donor deferrals and miscollected units have an increasing role in blood shortages. In a 1-year study at a regional blood centre, nearly 14% of prospective donors were ineligible on the day of presentation and more than 3.8% of donations did not result in the collection of an acceptable quantity of blood. Short-term deferral for low haemoglobin (Hb) was the overwhelming reason for the deferral of female donors in all age groups, representing more than 50% of all short-term deferrals. In first-time female donors, low Hb accounted for 53-67% of deferrals within different age groups, and for repeat female donors 75-80% of deferrals. In both firsttime and repeat male donors aged 40 years and older, the most common reason for short-term deferral was blood pressure or pulse outside allowed limits. For persons aged 16-24 years, regardless of sex and donation  status, the most common reason for lengthy deferral was tattoo, piercing or other non-intravenous drug use needle exposure. For 25- to 39-year-old female donors, needle exposure was also the most common reason, whereas for male donors, travel to a malarial  area was more common. For all ages over 40, the most common reason for long-term deferral was travel to a malarial area. Measures introduced to increase blood safety may  have the unintended consequence of decreasing blood availability. Results from demographic studies indicate that certain donor groups or donor sites present an unacceptable risk of disease transmission. For example, blood collectors no longer schedule mobile drives at prisons or institutions for the disabled because of the recognized high prevalence of transfusion-transmissible viruses. Few would argue the risk-benefit analysis of these exclusions. More questionable were the temporary exclusions of US soldiers exposed to multiple tick bites at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, and the lengthy deferrals of veterans who served in Iraq and Kuwait because of the fear that they might harbour Leishmania donovani, an agent infrequently associated with transfusion risk. Donors who have received human growth hormone injections have been indefinitely deferred because of the possible risk of transmitting Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease (CJD); however, relatives of patients with sporadic CJD are still deferred in the US (except for preparation of plasma fractions) despite evidence of their safety. There have now been five case-control studies of more than 600 CJD cases, two look-back studies of recipients of CJD products, two autopsy studies of patients with haemophilia and mortality surveillance of 4468 CJD deaths over 16 years without any link to transmission by transfusion (Centers for Bio logic Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration 2002). Although the impact of this deferral on the US blood supply has been negligible, the recent indefinite deferral of donors who resided in the UK for a total of 3 months or longer between 1980 and 1996, and the complicated deferral policy for residents and visitors to the European continent, designed to reduce a calculated risk of transmission of the human variant of mad cow disease (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, vCJD), has had a substantial impact, a loss of as much as 10% by some estimates, particularly on apheresis donors (Custer et al. 2004). Additional donor exclusions appear to be on the horizon. Donor medications constitute another significant area of deferral losses. Certain medications, for example etretinate (Tegison), isotretinoin (Accutane), acitretin (Soriatane), dutasteride (Avodart) and finasteride (Proscar), have been identified as posing potential risk to transfusion recipients because of their teratogenic potential at low plasma concentrations. Such exclusions have little impact on blood safety but each shrinks the potentially eligible volunteer donor pool. More troublesome, although not as numerous, are donor deferrals resulting from false-positive infectious disease screening tests. This problem has been recognized since the introduction of serological tests for syphilis. However, during the past 15 years, the introduction of new screening tests and testing technologies has resulted in numerous deferrals for questionable test results and either complex re-entry algorithms or no approved method to requalify such donors. Surrogate tests used for screening have pro ved particularly troublesome. However, even specific tests result in inappropriate deferrals. Of initial disease marker-reactive donations, 44% proved to be indeterminate or false positive. Each year an estimated 14000 donors are deferred from donating blood for an indefinite period because of repeatedly reactive enzyme immunoassay (EIA) screening tests for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), and several hundred donors are deferred for apparently false-positive nucleic acid testing (NAT) results. Registry of bone marrow donors Voluntary blood donors are highly suitable to become bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell donors for unrelated recipients, and many transfusion services now recruit them for this purpose. From its founding in 1986 until August 2003, the National Marrow Donor Program in the USA had registered more than 5 million bone marrow and blood stem cell donors, and Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide in the Netherlands records more than 8 million donors from 51 registries in 38 countries. Standards for acceptance of stem cell donors are based on blood donor eligibility. A uniform donor history is being developed. Conditions that may disqualify a donor Carriage of transmissible diseases The most important infectious agents transmissible by transfusion are the hepatitis viruses B and C, HIV, human T-lymphotropic viruses (HTLVs), bacteria and the agents causing malaria and Chagas disease. Increasing attention is being paid to the risks of emerging agents and newly recognized infectious risks of transfusion such as West Nile virus, babesiosis and vCJD. Steps that should be taken to minimize the risk of infecting recipients with the agents of these and other diseases involve exclusion based on geographical residence, signs and symptoms of disease, high-risk activity and demographics associated with risk transmission. Donors who have been exposed to an infectious disease and are at risk of developing it should be deferred for at least the length of the incubation period. Recent inoculations, vaccinations, etc. To avoid the possibility of transmitting live viruses (e.g. those of measles, mumps, rubella, Sabin oral polio vaccine, yellow fever, smallpox), donors should not give blood during the 3 weeks following vaccination. In subjects immunized with killed microbes or with antigens (cholera, influenza, typhoid, hepatitis A and B, Salk polio, rabies, anthrax, tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis) or toxoids (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), the interval is normally only 48 h. These recommendations apply if the donor is well following vaccination. Plasma from recently immunized donors may be useful for the manufacture of specific immunoglobulin preparations. Donors who have received immunoglobulins after exposure to infectious agents should not give blood for a period slightly longer than the incubation period of the disease in question. If hepatitis B immunoglobulin has been given after exposure to the virus, donation should be deferred for 9 months to 1 year; similarly, if tetanus immunoglo bulin has been given, donation  should be deferred for 4 weeks. When rabies vaccination follows a bite by a rabid animal, blood donations should be suspended for 1 year. In developed countries, tetanus and diphtheria immunoglobulin is derived from human sources. However, horse serum is still  used in some parts of the world. Donors who have received an injection of horse serum within the previous 3 weeks should not donate blood because traces of horse serum in their blood might harm an allergic recipient. The administration of normal human immunoglobulin before travelling to countries where hepatitis A is endemic is not a cause for deferral. Group O subjects may develop very potent haemolytic anti-A following an injection of tetanus toxoid, typhoid-paratyphoid (TAB), vaccine or pepsindigested horse serum, which may contain traces of hog pepsin. In the past, the use of such subjects as universal donors sometimes led to severe haemolytic transfusion reactions in group A subjects. Platelet concentrates collected by apheresis from subjects with hyperimmune anti-A should not be used for transfusion to group A or AB patients in view of the large volume of plasma needed to suspend the platelet concentrate. Ear-piercing, electrolysis, tattooing, acupuncture   All of these procedures carry a risk of transmission of hepatitis or HIV infection when the equipment used is not disposable or sterilized, and blood donation should then be deferred for 12 months. In the UK, donors are accepted if the acupuncture is performed by a registered medical practitioner or in a hospital. Although  the association between tattooing and exposure to hepatitis C is generally acknowledged, less clear is whether a tattoo performed by licensed and inspected facilities carries more risk than a trip to the dentists surgery. Allergic subjects Subjects who suffer from very severe allergy are unacceptable as donors because their hypersensitivity may be passively transferred to the recipient for a short period. Subjects with seasonal allergy (e.g. hay fever) may donate when not in an active  phase of their hypersensitivity. A screening test for immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies would not help to identify those allergic individuals with an increased chance of passively transferring their hypersensitivity. Blood transfusions and tissue grafts Donations should not be accepted for at least 12 months after the subject has received blood, blood components or grafts. Increasingly, donors who have received transfusion in the UK are being deferred indefinitely as a precaution against transmission of vCJD. Surgery and dental treatment When surgery has been carried out without blood transfusion, donation may be considered when the subject has fully recovered. Uncomplicated dental treatments and extractions should not be a cause for prolonged deferral, as utensils are sterilized and the  risk of bacteraemia persisting for more than 1 h is negligible. Medication Many subjects taking medication are not suitable as donors because of their underlying medical condition. Others are unsuitable as donors because the drugs they are taking, for example anticoagulants or cytotoxic agents, may harm the recipients. Subjects who have taken aspirin within the previous week are unsuitable when theirs are the only platelets to be given to a particular recipient. Ingestion of oral contraceptives or replacement hormones such as thyroxine is not a disqualification for blood donation. On the other hand, recipients of human growth hormone (non-recombinant) should be permanently deferred from blood donation as should subjects who have used illicit injected drugs. Deferral for specific medication use is usually an issue of medical discretion. Donors with relatively minor red cell abnormalities In some populations, a considerable number of donors have an inherited red cell abnormality. The three conditions most likely to be encountered are: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency, sickle trait (HbAS) and thalassaemia trait. G-6-PD deficiency. This is the most common red cell enzyme defect; hundreds of molecular variants have been catalogued. Although most G-6-PD-deficient red cells have only slightly subnormal survival and lose viability on storage with adenine at only a slightly increased rate (Orlina et al. 1970), some enzyme variants render the cells unsuitable for transfusion. With the African variant GdA- present in 10% of African  Americans, a relatively small number of red cells are severely affected. However, the Mediterranean variant GdMediterranean and others render the red cell particularly  sensitive to oxidative stress. If the recipient of one of these units develops an infectious illness or ingests fava beans or one of any number of drugs (ph enacetin, sulfonamides, vitamin K, primaquine, etc.), rapid destruction of the donors G-6-PD-deficient cells may  result. Neonatologists avoid using G-6-PD-deficient blood for exchange transfusion, and subjects who have evidenced G-6-PD-related haemolysis should be permanently deferred from donation (Beutler 1994). Sickle trait (HbAS). Sickle trait red cells survive normally in healthy subjects, even after storage. However,  in patients subject to various types of hypoxic stress, these cells survive poorly. HbS polymerizes at low oxygen tension and the cells are trapped in the spleen. Blood from donors with sickle cell trait should not be used for infants or for patients with  sickle cell disease who undergo exchange transfusion. Patients, other than those with sickle Hb, who require general anaesthesia should have no problems if transfused  with HbAS red cells provided that adequate oxygenation is maintained. Red cells from subjects with HbAS are usually unaffected by collection via apheresis,  but those with sickling haemoglobinopathies should not donate by apheresis and are not suitable for intraoperative salvage. If blood from donors with sickle cell trait is  glycerolized for storage in the frozen state, extra wash solution must be used during the deglycerolization procedure. Sickle trait prevents ef fectiveWBC reduction by filtration. Thalassaemia trait This is associated with little or no reduction in red cell lifespan in most subjects with a normal Hb concentration and these subjects may be accepted as donors. Special conditions in which normally disqualified donors may donate In some circumstances, a donor may give blood or components to be used for a special purpose, even although the requirements for normal donation are not met. For example, a donor who is mildly anaemic or who has recently given birth may give plasma or  platelets by apheresis; the plasma may be needed for reagent preparation, for example HLA antibodies, or the platelets may be needed for transfusion to the newborn infant. Donors at risk for carrying malaria may give plasma for fractionation. The usual interval  between donations may be waived for important medical indications. The donor age limitation and a number of other screening criteria may be modified for components directed to the recipient of the donors bone marrow. In every case, medical evaluation should ensure that there is no increased risk to the donors health and that the value of the component outweighs any perceived increase in risk. Under these circumstances, informed consent regarding the variance and documentati on of the circumstances is mandatory. Donation of whole blood Frequency of donation The volume lost from a single unit donation is replaced within 48-72 h. Red cell mass recovers more slowly, requiring 3-6 weeks. Some collection services bleed donors no more than two or three times a year; most do not bleed women who are pregnant or those who have been pregnant within the previous 6 weeks. The primary objective of this policy is to protect the donor from iron deficiency. There is a wide variation in the recommended minimum interval between donations. For example in the US, in line with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, the interval can be as short as 8 weeks and a maximum of 3 l of blood per year may be collected. Premenopausal women should not donate as frequently as men. In the Netherlands, men are bled every 3 months and women every 6 months. Because few red cells are lost during platelet and plasmapheresis, these procedures may be performed more often and at shorter intervals. Standards vary by country; in the USA plateletpheresis donors may be dr awn every 48 h up to twice per week and 24 times per year. Commercial plasmapheresis donors are bled even more frequently; however, physical examination is more rigorous and laboratory testing more extensive for these donors. As combinations of components, such as two-unit red cells, are drawn by apheresis, volumes and intervals become individualized, but generally limited by the loss of red cells. Hb regeneration after normal blood donation In 14 normal healthy subjects bled of about 400 ml of blood (8% of their blood volume), circulating reticulocytes increased minimally but significantly and peaked on the ninth day after bleeding. The Hb level was lowest 1 or 2 weeks after bleeding, and increased rapidly thereafter, reaching predonation levels at 3-4 weeks (Fig. 1.1). In a study in which total red cell volumes were measured in subjects who had donated about 190 ml of red cells, about 50 ml of red cells were restored after 1 week and restoration was  almost complete at 6 weeks. Potential health benefits of blood donation For the volunteer donor, the chief benefit lies in the satisfaction of selfless concern for the welfare of others. However, two studies suggest that there may be more tangible health benefits, particularly for middle-aged men, such as lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. The proffered explanation derives from the so-called iron hypothesis: menstrual iron loss protects women against cardiovascular disease; iron stores correlate with cardiovascular disease across European populations and heart failure is a hallmark of disorders of iron surplus (Sullivan 1981). One proposed mechanism for this association is generation of oxygen free radicals that induce oxidation of lipids. However  the Johns Hopkins Hospital autopsy registry found less coronary artery disease in hearts from patients with haemochromatosis and haemosiderosis than in hearts of age- and sex-matched controls. Salonen and co-workers (1998) conducted a prospective 9-year follow-up study of 2862 men aged 42-60 from eastern Finland, who had participated in the Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. Only one man out of 153 who had donated blood in the 24 months prior to baseline examination suffered a myocardial infarction, compared  with 316 (12.5%) of the 2529 non-donors. Meyers and co-workers (1997) compared the rate of cardiovascular events of 665 blood donors with that of  3200 non-donors in a telephone survey of a cohort selected from the Nebraska Diet Heart Survey. By multivariate analysis, non-smoking men who had donated at least once in the previous 3 years had a significantly lowered risk of cardiovascular events; no additional benefit was derived from longer or more frequent donation. Directed donations are those given exclusively for named patients, usually by relatives or friends. The use of directed donations contravenes the normal principles of voluntary blood donation, fails to increase  safety and finds medical justification in vanishingly few circumstances: in patients with rare blood groups when the only available compatible donors may be close relatives; in occasional patients awaiting renal transplants, for whom donor-specific transfusions may still play a role; in infants with neonatal alloimmune  thrombocytopenia or haemolytic disease of the newborn, for whom maternal platelets or red cells are occasionally invaluable; (4) in children requiring open-heart or extensive orthopaedic surgery, for whom the total requirements for blood and components can be collected preoperatively, as for autologous transfusion but from designated relatives or parents, thus minimizing the number of donor units to which the children are exposed in  patients with leukaemia in relapse after bone marrow transplantation, for whom donor leucocytes are used as adoptive immunotherapy to induce graft-versusleukaemia  (GvL) effect. The practice of transfusing parental blood to premature newborn infants is not without risks. Mothers may have antibodies against antigens (inherited from the father) on the infants red cells, platelets or white cells and maternal plasma should not be used. Fathers should not serve as cell donors because they may have antigens present on their red cells, which are incompatible with maternally derived antibodies present in  the fetus. Moreover, in view of partial histocompatibility, transfusion of cells from parents and close relatives may result in graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) in  the infants, or older children, especially if the infants are immunodeficient. Circumstances such as these, in which blood or platelet suspensions should be irradiated, are described in. The practice of transfusing parents with blood from their offspring can also be dangerous. Fatal GvHD occurred in two immunocompetent adult patients who  were transfused with fresh whole non-irradiated blood from their children during cardiac surgery. In both cases, one of the donors was homozygous for one of the recipients HLA haplotypes. When such transfusions are indicated, and except for instances in which adoptive immunotherapy is intended, the components should be treated with 25 Gy gamma irradiation. People who donate for friends and family lose their  anonymity and may be subject to influences not placed upon community donors. Such donors may provide less than candid answers to sensitive donor questions, either because they believe that unsafe blood will inevitably be detected by testing procedures or because they wish to conceal information from the recipient or the blood collector.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Patrick Eshun Reviewing Arthritis Rheumatoid Thesis Nursing Essay

Patrick Eshun Reviewing Arthritis Rheumatoid Thesis Nursing Essay The title of the research was Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Education and Self-Efficacy. The main objective of this research was to describe the prevailing rheumatoid arthritis patient education offered by specialized rheumatology health care professional including nurse in the various healthcare settings in Finland. It achieves this aim by describing the level of knowledge rheumatoid patient have about the disease, treatment regime and what various types of self-efficacy care they employed in addition to the educational interventions. The major goal of this research is the applicability of the results achieved. The main goals identified included helping develop and improve patient education with people affected with rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, it can also be utilized in nursing training programs to better the contents of the curriculum and additional courses in rheumatologic specialized nursing. Patient education is an important health promotion tool comprising a multi-level learning system. Patient accessibility to information regarding arthritis rheumatoid has mostly been through patient education program. The main aim and priority of rheumatoid arthritis education is to help patients improve self-care by increasing knowledge levels and to take absolute control of their health behaviors. After the provision of requisite information, the researchers expects people suffering arthritis rheumatoid would exhibit efficient assessment and monitoring qualities in determining the progress of the disease and appropriately manage it (Schrieber Colley 2004). The multi-professional team in caring for arthritis rheumatoid is numerous and each has a role to play during the process. For instance the physician or medical doctor makes the medical diagnosis, in charge of prescribing medications and manages the rheumatoid patients medical treatment and follow up care. The nurses in the multi-professional team play a crucial part in the education and health promotion in the lives of the rheumatoid arthritis patients. Their role is also to educate patients by advising and assist with concerns in managing their medication. They also offer nursing support, evaluates the well-being of the clients and offer emotional support for improved compliance to care and treatment plan. The pharmacist supplies the medication upon the orders of the physician or medical. They also have the duty to analyze patients other medication. In maintaining the musculoskeletal functions and ability by exercising with patients affected with arthritis rheumatoid is supported b y the physiotherapist. They help patient with light training helping improve the joint movement and functions. They also recommend and support usage of support devices and appropriate sitting, lying and lifting up techniques. Physiotherapist employs physical therapy to facilitate reduction patients arthritis pain and preserve their functioning capabilities (Working group established by the Finnish Society for Rheumatology in 2003). The role of Occupational therapist is to help in maintaining the functional working abilities by giving directives which supports skeletal joint protection and saving energy. This helps arthritis patient to return to active work life. The role of the social worker in the life of the arthritis patient is confined to domestic, economic and social issues. They seek assistance to support arthritis rheumatoid patient at home for instance shopping, household work, and so on. The social worker is aware and makes available to the patients to all social amenities and support including type of social government support and to explain the social and fundamental rights of patient with arthritis rheumatoid. The emotional well-being and mental stability of arthritis rheumatoid patients is handled by the psychologist or psychologist nurse. They offer different coping mechanisms and strategies to people with arthritis to accept and adapt well to the disease. According to Paula (2009), rheumatoid arthritis is defined as a progressive, long term, multi-systemic disease without known cause. It generally starts in smaller joint for instance joint in the hands and feet, then spread to bigger and larger joints usually resulting in disfigurement and physical disability. It causes pain, skeletal joint swelling, tiredness, malaise and morning stiffness. However, this may result in functional impairment and may lead to challenges at home and work The incidence rate in 2000 was 29people out of every 100000people was having rheumatoid arthritis in Finland, the trend decreased from the 1980 (Kaipiainen-Seppà ¤nen Kautiainen 2006.). The prevalence increases with ageing especially in the older population. It is much higher in prevalence in women compared to men with a sex ratio of 2.5:1. This means within a given population there are approximately 3women more with the disease compared one male. Hormonal reasons may explain this trend but however it i s however actual cause remains unclear. There is no precise cure for rheumatoid arthritis and as a result patient needs to rely on regular treatment to relieve the pain and to correct deformities. The treatment thus is aimed at relieving symptoms of the disease and any physical changes induced by the disease. The treatment also helps to retard the progression of the disease using both medical and alternative forms of treatments. In the early years, gold and cortisone were employed as a medical form of treatments. Currently, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and anti-rheumatic drugs in addition to gold and cortisone which helps to decrease inflammation and pain due to arthritis. When skeletal joints are significantly damaged the only medical procedure to repair is surgical treatments (Working group established by the Finnish Society for Rheumatology in 2003.). There are several phase of life rheumatoid possess limitations. These include social functions and life, daily tasks and activities, physical contact (hugging, lifting, holding and so forth), personal and social relationships. The pain as a result of the arthritis may even cause to abandon activities such writing or scribbling, holding a book to read or even stand upright for a period of time (Whalley et al. 1997.). The psychological or mental well-being of arthritis rheumatoid patient is basically about adapting or coping to the disease and controlling the stress as a result of it. Most arthritis patient described bad emotional characteristics such as anger, frustration, depression, shame, irritation, depression, sadness, guilt, anxiety and future uncertainty as their main threats. The cause of depression is more common in arthritis patient and has no specific cause. Self-respect and adapting to the disease is widely considered to be linked to their psychological well-being. The capability of the patient to cope with the symptoms in daily life activities are very critical and numerous coping mechanisms are employed to reduce the stress related to the disease.(Melanson Downe-Wamboldt 2003.). One of the commonly used coping strategies was by spiritual or religious coping method which helped considerably in reducing joint pain, negative moods and increasing positive emotions (Keefe et al. 2001.). Basically, in the research there were two main types of education for rheumatoid arthritis patients. They are the one-to-one and group education. In the one-to-one education it offers more flexibility. In addition, information and teaching is tailored out to fit an individuals perceived needs. The patient also can influence the duration of teaching. One-to-one education maybe suitable for rheumatoid arthritis patients requiring individualized training or joint protection plans or information regarding new medication. On the contrary, group education facilitates social interaction and best for delivering information to groups of people or peers about general issues such as the disease development, treatments, exercise therapy, diet and so forth. One of the benefit of the group education could be some patients can be role models for others to learn from each other. Trust building and trusty atmosphere motivates patients to express their emotions and views about the disease and to enqui re information (Kyngà ¤s 2003, Haugli et al. 2004.). According to Bandura (1977) defined: Self-efficacy as a judgment of ones ability to organize and execute given types of performances, whereas an outcome expectation is a judgment of the likely consequence such performances will produce. It is basically ones ability and competence to complete a specific given task in order to achieve a specific goal. It basically places more emphasis on their capabilities or competencies but not concerned with the skills one possesses. In conclusion, arthritis rheumatoid is a very serious disease and is a life-long progressive disease. Currently, no cure for it has been discovered yet but however treatment to relieve symptom is available. Education to equip patient with self-care is also recommended to complement the treatment care. REFLECTION I learnt quite a great deal especially when it comes to the education and the role of the multiprofessional team in the care process. It was a great experience trying to review an article because I believe would be helpful also in my thesis.

Essay examples --

Background Hypovolemic shock in trauma victims is a life-threatening condition. In the prehospital environment, EMS providers treat hypovolemic shock by attempting to control hemorrhage and by providing fluid resuscitation with crystalloid solutions. It has long been debated which crystalloid solution provides the ideal fluid resuscitation for victims of traumatic hypovolemic shock; whether it be solutions with similar concentration to human blood (isotonic solutions), or whether fluids should be of higher crystalloid concentration (hypertonic solutions). This report will review the current data on hypertonic versus near isotonic fluid resuscitation for victims of traumatic hypovolemic shock. The main source for this report is a Cochrane Review by Bunn, Roberts, Tasker, and Daksha, 2004. Issues In Trauma Fluid Resuscitation Early Aggressive Fluid Resuscitation According to the National Association of EMS Physicians, older resuscitation outcomes used to call for aggressive fluid resuscitation, typically, 2L IV wide open. More recent studies have found that excessive fluid administration in the prehospital setting can lead to poorer patient outcomes (National Association of EMS Physicians). A prospective trial conducted by Bickell et al. (1994), comparing delayed and immediate fluid resuscitation in 598 patients with penetrating torso injuries and prehospital systolic blood pressures less than 90 mm HG, found that delay of aggressive fluid resuscitation until surgical interventions were available improved patient outcome. Hypotensive Fluid Resuscitation An alternative to aggressive fluid resuscitation is hypotensive fluid resuscitation. A 2011 study by Morrison et al., looking at the clinical outcomes of the first 90 patie... ...2007). Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients (Cochrane Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 4. [Art. No.: CD000567. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000567.pub3] Shackford S, Sise M, Fridlund P, Rowley W, Peters R, Virgilio R, & Brimm J. (1983). Hypertonic sodium lactate versus lactated ringers solution for intravenous fluid therapy in operations on the abdominal aorta. Surgery, 94 (1), 41-51. Shenkin H, Bezier H, & Bouzarth W. (1976). Restricted fluid intake: rational management of the neurosurgical patient. Journal of Neurosurgery, 45 (4), 432–36. Simma B, Burga R, Falk M, Sacher P, & Fanconi S. (1998) A prospective, randomized, and controlled study of fluid management in children with severe head injury: lactated ringer’s solution versus hypertonic saline. Critical Care Medicine, 26(7), 1265–70. Essay examples -- Background Hypovolemic shock in trauma victims is a life-threatening condition. In the prehospital environment, EMS providers treat hypovolemic shock by attempting to control hemorrhage and by providing fluid resuscitation with crystalloid solutions. It has long been debated which crystalloid solution provides the ideal fluid resuscitation for victims of traumatic hypovolemic shock; whether it be solutions with similar concentration to human blood (isotonic solutions), or whether fluids should be of higher crystalloid concentration (hypertonic solutions). This report will review the current data on hypertonic versus near isotonic fluid resuscitation for victims of traumatic hypovolemic shock. The main source for this report is a Cochrane Review by Bunn, Roberts, Tasker, and Daksha, 2004. Issues In Trauma Fluid Resuscitation Early Aggressive Fluid Resuscitation According to the National Association of EMS Physicians, older resuscitation outcomes used to call for aggressive fluid resuscitation, typically, 2L IV wide open. More recent studies have found that excessive fluid administration in the prehospital setting can lead to poorer patient outcomes (National Association of EMS Physicians). A prospective trial conducted by Bickell et al. (1994), comparing delayed and immediate fluid resuscitation in 598 patients with penetrating torso injuries and prehospital systolic blood pressures less than 90 mm HG, found that delay of aggressive fluid resuscitation until surgical interventions were available improved patient outcome. Hypotensive Fluid Resuscitation An alternative to aggressive fluid resuscitation is hypotensive fluid resuscitation. A 2011 study by Morrison et al., looking at the clinical outcomes of the first 90 patie... ...2007). Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients (Cochrane Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 4. [Art. No.: CD000567. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000567.pub3] Shackford S, Sise M, Fridlund P, Rowley W, Peters R, Virgilio R, & Brimm J. (1983). Hypertonic sodium lactate versus lactated ringers solution for intravenous fluid therapy in operations on the abdominal aorta. Surgery, 94 (1), 41-51. Shenkin H, Bezier H, & Bouzarth W. (1976). Restricted fluid intake: rational management of the neurosurgical patient. Journal of Neurosurgery, 45 (4), 432–36. Simma B, Burga R, Falk M, Sacher P, & Fanconi S. (1998) A prospective, randomized, and controlled study of fluid management in children with severe head injury: lactated ringer’s solution versus hypertonic saline. Critical Care Medicine, 26(7), 1265–70.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Duffy Little Red Cap poem :: Free Essay Writer

Duffy Little Red Cap poem In â€Å"Little Red Cap† discuss the use of imagery, syntax and structure. Plan: Introduction to the collection of poems Similarities and differences between this poem and original fairytale Imagery – how has Duffy used the words used to create pictures in the reader’s head? Syntax – word order. Why has she written sentences the way she has? Emphasis on a particular word. Structure – length of stanzas â€Å"Little Red Cap† is written by Carol Ann Duffy found in a collection of poems called â€Å"The world’s wife†, where she has given a voice to the women (fantasy characters and real people) who have generally been silent or their thoughts made clear through the voices of their husband’s or partner’s. Firstly, the title of the poem grabs your attention and reminds you of ‘Red Riding Hood’, a children’s story. This is clever, as it sets the readers mind to thinking about the story, which means that the reader can connect all of the similarities in the poem to the children’s story, for example; â€Å"What big eyes he had! What teeth!† The poem â€Å"Little red cap† is among others where Duffy has based this poem on a fairytale story, in this case, little red riding hood. However, this poem has a few differences to the original version of the story. For example, this poem uses imagery to create a very sexual feeling, where as the original fairytale was not in any way sexual, but had a more simplistic idea of ‘good – little red riding hood’ and ‘bad – the sly wolf’. The wolf in this poem is portrayed to the reader as a ‘good’ character, and Little Red Cap as the ‘sly’ one who appears to know what she is doing in order to get what she wants. In the first stanza of the poem, Duffy starts off with the metaphor â€Å"At childhood’s end†. This portrays that childhood is so powerful it has been described as a physical place. The reader can picture this place clearly because of they way she has continued to describe the â€Å"houses petered out into playing fields† â€Å"†¦till you came at last to the edge of the woods†. This makes the reader think that she is no longer an innocent child, she is independent and is now an adult. However, we find out in the second stanza that she is still only â€Å"sweet sixteen† which makes us wonder if she is really as grown-up as we first thought.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Media: The Fourth Pillar of Democracy Essay

Today, media is considered the fourth pillar of the state all over the world; first and foremost British Member of Parliament Lord Macaulay had given this status to the media. In any republican government system, there must be three administrative bodies, 1- Parliament, 2- Administrative department, 3- Judiciary body. In the absence of any of these three bodies, the government cannot run systematically, but now it is felt that one body more is necessary to be with them, that is media. This body is considered more important these days, it plays an important role as an informative bridge between governing bodies and general public, in absence of media general public cannot know about what kind of bills and acts are passed in the parliament, and what are their positive and negative effects in the society. If media person close their eyes the government officials will do what they want, so media plays a very important and impartial role between government activities and general public, so much so that it is said that the freedom of media is the guarantee of success for a government. Below mentioned are a few recent incidents in which media played a key role and established itself as the fourth pillar of democracy. Delhi Rape Case The media played an important part in raising a debate on women’s safety. As the news of the rape broke, the media went into frenzy, not just in tracking the case but in leading people to introspect. A responsible section of the media asked people to be part of radical reforms the country required while it continued to give expression to the public grief, the mourning and reconciliation as people watched in horror the victim’s final moments. As the movement to bring the gang rape victim to justice went viral, the nation saw a major protest that spread on streets across the country. The media extensively covered the demonstrations, following the protesters; giving their demands for justice a voice and bringing them to the centre of the political debate. It exposed the growing crime statistics, especially in Delhi, against women. The media led bare the growing frustrations of an entire emerging aspirational urban class and generation Rapes that are taking place are being continuously reported in major newspapers with more prominence than before, even though they are not always given the front page coverage. One is assured that the December 16 gang rape incident will continue to be a milestone when covering issues related to women’s safety. This movement goes to prove that the democracy’s fourth pillar can transform incidents of national shame to national justice by establishing confidence in institutions that have been created to protect the citizens of the country. The Anna Hazare Movement The news media, particularly, the TV channels have played a key role in keeping up the tempo of the movement by ensuring round the clock coverage, they ensured that the protests occured across the country and there was a mass frenzy. Even though the channels didn’t state much about merits and demerits of the proposed institution of Lokpal or educated citizens about the implications of the ombudsman, TV and newspapers were visibly the driving force behind the anti-corruption movement. The movement was a perfect example of how media can be used effectively. Though the propriety regarding active participation of news media in a movement is debatable, it is true to an extent that Indian media has voluntarily become a party, a sort of participant, in this drive for Jan Lokpal Bill. The Egyptian revolution The Egyptian revolution began on Facebook with a call to protest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Protesters used Twitter to manoeuvre around police and reach the area. People arrived at the location expecting to see a few hundred like-minded individuals. Instead, they found a few hundred-thousand. Until they reached the square, Egyptian dissidents had no clue of their strength. It was a remarkable indication of the power of social networks as a political organizing tool, as has been seen in many uprisings sweeping North Africa and the Middle East. Around 20 million people in Egypt, or about one-quarter of the country’s population, are on the Internet. Early in the political unrest, the Egyptian government attempted to block Facebook and Twitter, then took the unprecedented step of shutting down Internet access in the country altogether. The cyberspace blackout lasted a week but could not thwart the revolution. President Hosni Mubarak stepped down a week later.